👋 Welcome to Snipp.live – live, collaborative
code editing platform 💻 🚀

From the name you can (somehow) understand this project is for coding snippets. Means you 🛑 can't 🛑 really build & run stuff here, but you can write a code snippet with some other people in realtime. Let me elaborate on those adjectives from the top:

🚨 Live

Whenever you change the code, its get updated and save into realtime database.
On top of that 👇

🔥 Collaborative

This is the main feature and purpose of this project. You can share your snippet with other people by just sending them a link.
👉 💨 They can join it right away.
👉 🌈 No auth required

👨🏾‍💻 Code Editing

Get started by creating a

Supported syntax/languages

Target audience

Your feedback is deeply appreciated, if you have some ideas/bug reports/opinion – take a time and fire me an email to ✉️ snipp.live@yevgeniy.xyz